Participants in the 3 Pots for the Future action – live in Kassel: Urs Pohlman and Bodo von Plato.
Urs Pohlman is a neuroscientist exploring the difference between the Self and the Ego.
Bodo von Plato is a philosopher researching new forms of consciousness related to the I-Sense and self awareness.
The transcripts of Urs and Bodo ‘looking into the 3 pots’ [with only 4 others present due to Covid regulations], will be part of the digital online publication later this year.
70 people have already signed up to participate, either live in Kassel, live online or with a 500 word text.
Please join us if you would like to share what you think Beuys left us for the future, and what you think we need to have in humanity’s three pots that will help us shape a humane and interconnected way of living in the world.