Documenta Archiv, Kassel
The documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH is a non-profit organization financed by the City of Kassel and the State of Hessen with the support of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
It consists of four institutions: the current documenta exhibition, the Museum Fridericianum, the documenta exhibition hall and since January, 1st 2016 also the documenta archiv

Museums-Hessen-Kassel / Neue Galerie
The Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel (MHK) is an institution of the State of Hessen. It manages art and cultural historical properties and collections of the state in and around Kassel including 12 collections, 4 castles, 3 parks, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The centrepiece of the Neue Galerie is the room on the ground floor, which was personally installed by Joseph Beuys when the building was opened in 1976.

City of Kassel / Cultural Department
The City of Kassel -the ‘documenta city’ is fostering a participatory approach to dialogue and exchange about the relationship between culture, sustainability and the daily lives of people in the city through their new Kulturkonzept.

Hessische Kulturstiftung
The Cultural Foundation of Hessen (Hessische Kulturstiftung) is dedicated to the promotion and conservation of arts and culture in Hessen. Its main task is to support museums and public art collections, libraries and archives through the acquisition and the conservation of distinguished works of art, selected objects and entire art collections. It has a special focus on the work of Joseph Beuys in Hessen.

Bundeszentral für politische Bildung
The Federal Agency for Civic Education supports all interested citizens in becoming involved in politics. Its task is to promote understanding of political facts, to consolidate democratic awareness and to strengthen the willingness to participate in politics.