The ‘connective practices’ in the Kassel21-Social Sculpture Lab are all participatory processes to do with new ways of seeing, thinking, working together and strengthening the will to action.

They are opportunities for working with and reflecting on what it means to work with what Beuys calls social sculpture’s “invisible materials”, and for experiencing the transformative creative power that every human has to imagine sustainable ways of living together in the world.

The ‘connective practices’ – FRAMETALKS, Field of Commitment / Feld der Begegnung, Earth Forum, Landing Strip for Souls, and New Eyes for the World – all require facilitation and guides.

And… everyone that is interested in one or more of these ‘connective practices’ can learn to become a facilitator or guide.

Becoming a facilitator or guide enables you to share the process with others you know and work with.

It also enables you to understand and explore the creative methods built into these connective practices, and to carry the subtle but powerful ‘skills’ and knowledge into all areas of one’s life and work.

Coming closer to the Social Sculpture ideas
Training to scale out a connective practice in the Kassel-21 Lab brings you closer to some of the key social sculpture ideas and connective practice insights.

What does it mean to work like an artist with the ‘invisible materials’ of attitudes, questions, and habits of thinking?

What is imaginal thinking?

How does it differ from linear thinking?

How can ‘seeing what and how we see’ and learning to work in our inner workspace, help us overcome prejudice and unconscious bias?

How can being conscious of how we see and think, and of the space for ‘imaginal work’ help us better work together to develop new narratives for a more humane and living future?

The Training
The training for each practice is different, although the root methods of the ‘Connective Practice Approach’ are shared by them all.

Some of the multipliers training is short – two half days, other trainings are longer, from 2 days to a week.

During the Kassel-21 Social Sculpture Lab much of the training is free – because we have managed to get it sponsored. Contributions will nevertheless be welcomed to support other non-funded areas of our work.

The longer Earth Forum training and Feld der Begegnung training have a sliding scale of fees.

For full details and dates for each training, see each specific practice. [Coming soon]