FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 1 / NATURE]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 1 / NATURE]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 1 / NATURE]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 2 / HUMAN BEING]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Thursday 1 July in Survival Room and in FRAMETALKS
50 pupils from the Europaschule, Kassel bring objects as the starting point for exploring the future we want. ‘Survival’: What do we each understand by survival? What needs to be done to survive? At what cost and to whom?
10.00 – 13.00 [Fully booked]
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 2 / HUMAN BEING]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 2 / HUMAN BEING]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Saturday 3 July A Gift for Joseph Beuys: 3 Pots for the Future
The first guests explore what they think Joseph Beuys left us for the future, and contribute what they think is needed as a resource in the 3 Pots for the Future.
With Bodo von Plato [Philosopher, Educator] and Urs Pohlman [Neuroscientist]. Facilitated by Shelley Sacks in the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Unfortunately, no participants other than invited guests in Survival Room possible. Due to Covid limitations on numbers in this space, this action is being recorded, and will be shared in a publication at a later date.
If restrictions change then an increased number of visitor-participants will be allowed in the room.
Please contact the Neue Galerie for up to date info: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
The Human Soul Needs Saving [1]
What is a human being? What is a machine?
What: A one-day seminar-conversation with contributions from Bodo von Plato, Clarine Campagne, Urs Pohlman and Shelley Sacks relating to a statement made by Joseph Beuys that one of the most urgent needs of our time is that ‘the human soul needs saving’. How can this be understood amidst today’s global urgencies and emergencies?
We are living on the edge of the old earth, in an era of intense social and ecological suffering. Not only are there immense external crises to deal with, there are also the crises of consciousness and understanding.
What is a human being? What is the difference between a human being and a hyper intelligent machine designed to look like a human being? What kind of education do we need if we are not really sure of the difference between human beings and machines that are programmed with human values and decision-making processes to make ‘intelligent’ decisions?
These and related questions about the value of the human being will be opened up for exchange and reflection in this conversation with four people for whom this is an urgent and central concern.
Venue: In the Survival Room of the Kassel-21 / Social Sculpture Lab
Date: 4 July 2021 10.00 -13.00 14.30 – 17.00
How to participate: Due to Covid restrictions, this event will now be recorded and shared as part of a sign up online seminar-conversation.
Details of the online event between July and September, to follow.
Language: German and English – with patience. To facilitate participation with those beyond the German-speaking world.]
Bodo von Plato is currently working on aspects of consciousness- and mentality transformation in the late 20th and beginning 21st century (Berlin). He was part of the Goetheanum-leadership between 2001 and 2018 (Dornach). Trained as a historian and philosopher in French, Austrian and German Universities and teacher in a Waldorf-School (Paris), Bodo has worked with Shelley, Clarine and Urs in several projects on aesthetic, spiritual, scientific and social issues.
Urs Pohlman Neuroscientist and Art Therapist. Professor of Complementary Therapies.
Clarine Campagne Coach and Organisation Consultant. Author: U-Theory in Groups
Shelley Sacks is a social sculpture practitioner and cultural activist exploring the relationship between freedom, responsibility as an ability-to-respond, and the role of imagination in transformation. Concerns with ‘aesthetic strategies in times of change’ inspired by Beuys’ social sculpture proposals, run through her work in South Africa [1976-1990], in the Social Sculpture Research Unit, Oxford [1997-2019], and in her own ‘connective practice’ projects in many countries and contexts.
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups. How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question
All participants to an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
All welcome. Free participation.
10.30 – 12.30 or 14.00 -16.00
Limited numbers. Only 6 people per half day session.
If Covid restrictions permit more visitor-participants will be able to join us in the Survival Room process.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel Telephone: 0049 561 for up-to-date information on numbers of people that can attend.
1. Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
[Groups that are a single cohort [School and College groups may come with the whole group and are not limited by Covid space restrictions to 6 people]
2. For individuals only: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers]. Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400.
If restrictions change then more visitor-participants will be allowed in the room. Please contact the Neue Galerie for info: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
When: Thursday 8. July, 18.00 – 19.00
Online-Introduction [Einführung].
Who: This introduction is relevant for all people who are curious to find out more about Feld der Begegnung: What is it? How to participate in it? In what sense is Feld der Begegnung a Willensfeld?
It is particularly relevant for people who live in the 23 areas of Kassel, who have heard about it, or seen a leaflet, and want to consider participating in Feld der Begegnung, by creating their own Ort der Begegnung.
What is the Field of Commitment /Feld der Begegnung?
The Field of Commitment (FdB) is a Social Sculpture – Connective Practice, in which people connect individually with a tree and by so doing create a local anchor point on the planet for their commitment and work towards an ecosocial present and future.
Through many such “anchor points” and partnerships between people and trees, as well as through the exchange of experiences between the people involved, a field of commitment is being created in Kassel, which makes visible and strengthens the will to work for an ecosocial future.
In the online introduction you will learn how you can actively participate in the field of encounter.
Language: German
Contact Martina Schäfer to receive the zoom link for this introductory session.
Participation is free.
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 3 / LOVE]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 3 / LOVE]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 3 / LOVE]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Views of Survival [2] The Human Soul Needs Saving
Developing ‘new organs of perception’ to distinguish between humans beings and machines Seminar-Conversation, German
What: A one day seminar-conversation with Shelley Sacks and Almuth Strehlow presenting and exploring 7 life processes that might enable an expanded view of the human being, and help us ‘save the human soul’ [Beuys] if we can better differentiate between human beings and machines.
Venue: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie, Kassel.
Date and Time: 11 July 2021 10.30 – 17.00
All welcome. Free participation.
Booking requirements. Registration recommended
Please contact the Neue Galerie for up-to-date info: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Our seminar-conversation will be recorded and take place in German, and where necessary in English.
It is possible for a group of people to participate for the entire day, if they are a cohort. e.g. a school class or college group. Please contact Shelley Sacks [] to discuss feasibility of this.
More details about the conversation in Seminar-Conversations.
Almut Strehlow is co-author of Die Sieben Lebensprozessen. She has a Masters in Further Education, Education for Adults and School Managements. She is an educator with a passion for enabling living engagement with the world, and has additional qualifications and experience in Psychomotor Skills and Art Therapy. Since 1992 she has been a lecturer at the Rudolf Steiner Institut Kassel, and lectures regularly in Germany and other countries.
Shelley Sacks is a social sculpture practitioner and cultural activist exploring the relationship between freedom, responsibility as an ability-to-respond, and the role of imagination in transformation. Concerns with ‘aesthetic strategies in times of change’ inspired by Beuys’ social sculpture proposals, run through her work in South Africa [1976-1990], in the Social Sculpture Research Unit, Oxford [1997-2019], and in her own ‘connective practice’ projects in many countries and contexts.
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups.
How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question.
All participants to bring an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Time: 11.00 -13.30
All welcome. Free participation.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info and to sign up: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Limited numbers.
You can also sign up on arrival in the Neue Galerie but then you are not assured of a place, due to Covid limitation on numbers.
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 4 / FREEDOM]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 4 / FREEDOM]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 4 / FREEDOM]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
PARTICIPANTS come together – physically present in the Survival Room in Kassel – to create this ‘GIFT for JOSEPH BEUYS’ by sharing how they understand what Joseph Beuys has left us, and what they think is needed in humanity’s ‘3 Pots for the Future”.
This is one of several days on which small groups of invited and self-selecting participants share live in Kassel what they understand Joseph Beuys has left us for the future.
All welcome. Free participation.
Booking and Registration requirements
18 July
14.00 -17.00
No Covid test currently required.
In the space: 1.5m distancing required plus masks.
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups. How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question
All participants to an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Time: 11.00 -13.30
All welcome. Free participation.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info and to sign up: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Limited numbers.
You can also sign up on arrival in the Neue Galerie but then you are not assured of a place, due to Covid limitation on numbers.
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 5 / FUTURE]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
A mobile seminar for looking at how we ‘frame’ things and what needs to shift to shape a humane and eco-social world!
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 5 / FUTURE]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
A mobile seminar for looking at how we ‘frame’ things and what needs to shift to shape a humane and eco-social world!
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
FRAMETALKS – Exploring the 5 Realities [Week 5 / FUTURE]
Working with the Deerskin frame in the Neue Galerie and on the Streets of Kassel. Installation, Reflective Process and Exchange.
A mobile seminar for looking at how we ‘frame’ things and what needs to shift to shape a humane and eco-social world!
In the Neue Galerie 10.00 -12.00
On the Streets 12.30 -15.00
In the Neue Galerie 15.15 -17.00
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 24 July 2021
Then daily Tuesday 26 July to Sunday 1 August 2021 in Neue Galerie
For more about FRAMETALKS see
Collect free FRAMETALKS workbook in Neue Galerie Foyer
[Tuesday -Sunday 10.00 -17.00]
All welcome. Free participation.
BOOKING: Registration re Covid required.
Pre-booking for individuals, schools and groups via MHK Visitors Service
Or for individuals: Book on arrival in the Neue Galerie [You might have to wait for a place due to limitation on numbers].
Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
[See below in German for meeting place].
WHO This is relevant for all people who have already created an Ort der Begegnung. It is a way to meet others involved in the field; to revisit one’s commitments and to get a sense of the growing field of commitments.
It is also relevant for friends and family of those who already have a Ort der Begegnung, as well as for those who are curious to experience and find out about Feld der Begegnung: What is it? How to participate in it? Why is Feld der Begegnung a Willensfeld?
This tour is useful for people who live in the 23 areas of Kassel, who are considering creating their own Ort der Begegnung, as well as for visitors to Kassel who would like to facilitate a Feld der Begegnung in their village, town or city.
Language: German
Contact Martina Schäfer to receive meeting details for this session.
Participation is free.
...... Hallo zusammen, herzliche Einladung an Euch alle zur Fahrradtour durchs Feld der Begegnung am kommenden Sonntag, den 25.7. um 15 Uhr. Diesmal starten wir in Kirchditmold, Schanzenstrasse. Oberhalb der Tram-Haltestelle "Riedwiesen" befindet sich links ein kleiner Park. Dort treffen wir uns. Von dort rollen wir den Berg hinunter zum Aschrottpark, Tannenwäldchen, Königstor bis in die Unterneustadt... Eine kurze Rückmeldung, ob du die Absicht hast dabei zu sein, wäre hilfreich. Herzliche Grüße, Martina
Join us to begin MAKING SOCIAL HONEY and discovering new methods for thinking together.
Every morning 10.00 -12.30 : we gather substance in the museum and outdoors.
We do this by looking each of these five concepts and realities – Nature, Human Being, Love, Freedom and Future – through our own inner frames and through the deerskin frame, and gathering our thoughts in the FRAMETALKS booklet. Then we also go outside and look together through the deerskin frame on wheels to see how these realities appear in the world
Every afternoon: 13.30 -17.00 We work together to start “making social honey”.
To understand more about FRAMETALKS if you haven’t already participated in the previous 5 weeks [24 June to 24 July] please read this section
All these five days of gathering insights, sharing insights and listening into what is emerging, are followed by the final day: Sunday 1 August, when we will try to listen into what is emerging and begin to gather this together as a kind of map of commitments and “pathways to ecological citizenship”.
Join us to begin MAKING SOCIAL HONEY and discovering new methods for thinking together.
Every morning 10.00 -12.30 : we gather substance in the museum and outdoors.
We do this by looking each of these five concepts and realities – Nature, Human Being, Love, Freedom and Future – through our own inner frames and through the deerskin frame, and gathering our thoughts in the FRAMETALKS booklet. Then we also go outside and look together through the deerskin frame on wheels to see how these realities appear in the world
Every afternoon: 13.30 -17.00 We work together to start “making social honey”.
To understand more about FRAMETALKS if you haven’t already participated in the previous 5 weeks [24 June to 24 July] please read this section
All these five days of gathering insights, sharing insights and listening into what is emerging, are followed by the final day: Sunday 1 August, when we will try to listen into what is emerging and begin to gather this together as a kind of map of commitments and “pathways to ecological citizenship”.
Join us to begin MAKING SOCIAL HONEY and discovering new methods for thinking together.
Every morning 10.00 -12.30 : we gather substance in the museum and outdoors.
We do this by looking each of these five concepts and realities – Nature, Human Being, Love, Freedom and Future – through our own inner frames and through the deerskin frame, and gathering our thoughts in the FRAMETALKS booklet. Then we also go outside and look together through the deerskin frame on wheels to see how these realities appear in the world
Every afternoon: 13.30 -17.00 We work together to start “making social honey”.
To understand more about FRAMETALKS if you haven’t already participated in the previous 5 weeks [24 June to 24 July] please read this section
All these five days of gathering insights, sharing insights and listening into what is emerging, are followed by the final day: Sunday 1 August, when we will try to listen into what is emerging and begin to gather this together as a kind of map of commitments and “pathways to ecological citizenship”.
Ort Blühtlinde, 34127 Kassel / Stadtteil Rothenditmold
(Hilfe zum Finden: Link auf Docutopia-Karte)
Resevierungsmöglichkeit / Anmeldung:
ERDFORUM ist ein erprobtes Format, entwickelt von der Künstlerin Shelley Sacks, in dem unser kreatives Vorstellungsvermögen eingesetzt wird, um eine tiefe Qualität des Austauschs zu erfahren, die über Diskussion oder Debatte hinausgeht. Hierzu wird mit zwei besonderen Qualitäten gearbeitet: der Fähigkeit der Imagination und der Fähigkeit des aktiven Zuhörens. Die Teilnehmenden erleben sich als bewusste Gestalter ihres eigenen Lebens, ihres Umfeldes und ihres Stadtteils.
Ein Erdforum dauert 3-4 Stunden und es können bis zu 12 Personen teilnehmen. In der Regel findet es im Freien an unterschiedlichen Orten statt.
Eine riesige Brachfläche am Rande von Rothenditmold, mehrfach abgeräumtes Gartenland, Schutt und Müll flächig verteilt, neu überwuchert von Spontanvegetation. Wie soll die Fläche in Zukunft aussehen, was ist wichtig für den Stadtteil und seine Bürger und wie werden sie beteiligt an kommunalen Planungsprozessen? Mit einer Reihe von Erdforen bieten wir einen Imaginations- und Dialograum für diese Fragen.
„Wenn wir die Zukunft, die wir wollen, nicht gestalten, werden wir die Zukunft bekommen, die wir nicht wollen, und die ist auch zum Teil schon da.“ (Joseph Beuys)
Herzliche Einladung an Alle, an der verbindenden Praxis des Erdforums -geleitet von Karsten Winnemuth (Essbare Stadt e.V./ Social Sculpture Lab e.V.)- kostenlos teilzunehmen.
Join us to begin MAKING SOCIAL HONEY and discovering new methods for thinking together.
Every morning 10.00 -12.30 : we gather substance in the museum and outdoors.
We do this by looking each of these five concepts and realities – Nature, Human Being, Love, Freedom and Future – through our own inner frames and through the deerskin frame, and gathering our thoughts in the FRAMETALKS booklet. Then we also go outside and look together through the deerskin frame on wheels to see how these realities appear in the world
Every afternoon: 13.30 -17.00 We work together to start “making social honey”.
To understand more about FRAMETALKS if you haven’t already participated in the previous 5 weeks [24 June to 24 July] please read this section
All these five days of gathering insights, sharing insights and listening into what is emerging, are followed by the final day: Sunday 1 August, when we will try to listen into what is emerging and begin to gather this together as a kind of map of commitments and “pathways to ecological citizenship”.
Join us to begin MAKING SOCIAL HONEY and discovering new methods for thinking together.
Every morning 10.00 -12.30 : we gather substance in the museum and outdoors.
We do this by looking each of these five concepts and realities – Nature, Human Being, Love, Freedom and Future – through our own inner frames and through the deerskin frame, and gathering our thoughts in the FRAMETALKS booklet. Then we also go outside and look together through the deerskin frame on wheels to see how these realities appear in the world
Every afternoon: 13.30 -17.00 We work together to start “making social honey”.
To understand more about FRAMETALKS if you haven’t already participated in the previous 5 weeks [24 June to 24 July] please read this section
All these five days of gathering insights, sharing insights and listening into what is emerging, are followed by the final day: Sunday 1 August, when we will try to listen into what is emerging and begin to gather this together as a kind of map of commitments and “pathways to ecological citizenship”.
Five days of gathering insights, sharing insights and listening into what is emerging from Tuesday 27 July to Saturday 31 July, are followed by the final day: Sunday 1 August, when we will try to listen into what is emerging and begin to gather this together as a kind of map of commitments and “pathways to ecological citizenship”.
We look forward to working with you on this day!
Tuesday 3 August 2021, 18.00 – 19.00
Online-Introduction [Einführung].
Who: This introduction is relevant for all people who are curious to find out more about Feld der Begegnung: What is it? How to participate in it? Why is Feld der Begegnung a Willensfeld?
It is particularly relevant for people who live in the 23 areas of Kassel, who have heard about it, or seen a leaflet, and want to consider participating in Feld der Begegnung, by creating their own Ort der Begegnung.
Language: German
Contact Martina Schäfer to receive the zoom link for this introductory session.
Participation is free.
WANN Freitag, 6. August, 10.00 -17.00
WO Survival Room, Neue Galerie
10:00 Uhr bis 11:00 Uhr: Einführungsvortrag
PARALLELPROZESS – die Bildersprache von Joseph Beuys
Er wollte „eine FORMEL findet, die noch viel besser funktioniert als die Einsteinsche: in Richtung auf den Menschen und seine zukünftige Entwicklung – die also da alles revolutioniert“ [aus Harlan: Was ist Kunst? – Werkstattgespräch mit Beuys].
Session 1: 11:30 Uhr bis 13:00 Uhr
Die Figurationen im Evolutionsdiagramm vom 1. Juli 1974
Session 2: 14:30 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
Die Evolution der Natur als Biologie der Freiheit
WANN Samstag, 7. August, 10.00 -17.00
WO Survival Room, Neue Galerie
Session 3: 10:00 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr
Die Evolution des Menschen als Geschichte zur Freiheit der Person
Session 4: 14:30 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
Der freie Mensch erweitert die Kunst zur Sozialen Skulptur: Everyone is a Seeker / which are the ways?
[Beuys unterwegs: „Man wird sicher immer anerkennen müssen, dass es prinzipiell die richtige Richtung war, und in dieser Richtung gibt es kein Scheitern” (aus Jappe: Beuys packen)].
All welcome. Free participation.
Registration required. Sign up for the 2 day-Seminar-Conversation with MHK Visitors Service
Limited numbers.
For more detailed information contact Shelley Sacks on with ‘EVOLUTION’ in the subject line.
Phone the Neue Galerie for up-to-date Covid info: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Currently [6 July] no negative test required. Only distancing and masks.
Ort ForstFeldGarten, nahe Steinigkstr. 23, 34123 Kassel / Stadtteil Forstfeld
(Hilfe zum Finden: Link auf Docutopia-Karte)
ERDFORUM ist ein erprobtes Format, entwickelt von der Künstlerin Shelley Sacks, in dem unser kreatives Vorstellungsvermögen eingesetzt wird, um eine tiefe Qualität des Austauschs zu erfahren, die über Diskussion oder Debatte hinausgeht. Hierzu wird mit zwei besonderen Qualitäten gearbeitet: der Fähigkeit der Imagination und der Fähigkeit des aktiven Zuhörens. Die Teilnehmenden erleben sich als bewusste Gestalter ihres eigenen Lebens, ihres Umfeldes und ihres Stadtteils.
Ein Erdforum dauert 3-4 Stunden und es können bis zu 12 Personen teilnehmen. In der Regel findet es im Freien an unterschiedlichen Orten statt.
MÜLL ist oft ein Thema und ein Ärgernis in unseren Stadtteilen. Welche Beziehung haben wir zu unserem Müll, was spiegelt er uns? Können wir uns vom Wegwerf-Plastik hineinbewegen in die Soziale Plastik, in der wir unser Umfeld und unsere Gesellschaft auf Basis gemeinsamer Vorstellungen mitgestalten?
Wie können wir die Welt mit anderen Augen sehen und ökologischer gestalten? Ist unsere Gesellschaft nicht ein Gesamtkunstwerk, an dem alle mitwirken?
„Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler!“ (Joseph Beuys)
Herzliche Einladung an Alle, an diesem Kunstwerk im Rahmen eines Erdforums -geleitet von Karsten Winnemuth (Essbare Stadt e.V./ Social Sculpture Lab e.V.)- kostenlos teilzunehmen.
Samstag 7. August
Session 3: 10:00 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr
Die Evolution des Menschen als Geschichte zur Freiheit der Person
Session 4: 14:30 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr
Der freie Mensch erweitert die Kunst zur Sozialen Skulptur: Everyone is a Seeker / which are the ways?
[Beuys unterwegs: „Man wird sicher immer anerkennen müssen, dass es prinzipiell die richtige Richtung war, und in dieser Richtung gibt es kein Scheitern” (aus Jappe: Beuys packen)].
All welcome. Free participation.
Registration required. Sign up for the 2 day Seminar-Conversation with MHK Visitors Service
Booking requirements due to Covid. Limited numbers. [Currently 27 June 2021] only 6 individuals per half day session. If Covid restrictions change then more participants will be allowed in the room.
For more detailed information contact Shelley Sacks on with ‘EVOLUTION’ in the subject line.
Phone the Neue Galerie for up-to-date Covid info: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups.
How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question.
All participants to bring an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Time: 10.30 – 12.30 or 14.00 -16.00
All welcome. Free participation.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info and to sign up: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Limited numbers.
You can also sign up on arrival in the Neue Galerie but then you are not assured of a place, due to Covid limitation on numbers.
Conversation about forming a social sculpture-connective practice study group.
Please confirm your interest in participating in this first discussion about forming a study group by emailing: with STUDY GROUP in the subject line.
Read more about forming a Social Sculpture Study Group.
Study groups will share reflections and become part of a global social sculpture community.
If you are interested in forming / coordinating a study group, please contact us.
Online Introduction to Connective Practice and Training
A simple ‘connective practice’ for lovers of the world, interested in ‘new organs of perception’, in ‘survival’, in working with others, and who cannot come to the Kassel-21 Lab.
This is a call for people across the world – to learn about and participate in an inspiring connective practice that helps one look at the world with ‘new eyes’, and then, if they find it meaningful, to extend these ‘new eyes’ by sharing the practice with people in your locality and network. It is therefore a call for people who are willing to consider becoming multipliers of a connective practice.
Date: Thursday 12 August, 2021 13.00 – 16.00 CET [This session is now full]
Language: English.
Find out more and how to participate in New Eyes for the World Training for Multipliers
Ort Blühtlinde, 34127 Kassel / Stadtteil Rothenditmold
(Hilfe zum Finden: Link auf Docutopia-Karte)
Resevierungsmöglichkeit / Anmeldung:
ERDFORUM ist ein erprobtes Format, entwickelt von der Künstlerin Shelley Sacks, in dem unser kreatives Vorstellungsvermögen eingesetzt wird, um eine tiefe Qualität des Austauschs zu erfahren, die über Diskussion oder Debatte hinausgeht. Hierzu wird mit zwei besonderen Qualitäten gearbeitet: der Fähigkeit der Imagination und der Fähigkeit des aktiven Zuhörens. Die Teilnehmenden erleben sich als bewusste Gestalter ihres eigenen Lebens, ihres Umfeldes und ihres Stadtteils.
Ein Erdforum dauert 3-4 Stunden und es können bis zu 12 Personen teilnehmen. In der Regel findet es im Freien an unterschiedlichen Orten statt.
Eine riesige Brachfläche am Rande von Rothenditmold, mehrfach abgeräumtes Gartenland, Schutt und Müll flächig verteilt, neu überwuchert von Spontanvegetation. Wie soll die Fläche in Zukunft aussehen, was ist wichtig für den Stadtteil und seine Bürger und wie werden sie beteiligt an kommunalen Planungsprozessen? Mit einer Reihe von Erdforen bieten wir einen Imaginations- und Dialograum für diese Fragen.
„Wenn wir die Zukunft, die wir wollen, nicht gestalten, werden wir die Zukunft bekommen, die wir nicht wollen, und die ist auch zum Teil schon da.“ (Joseph Beuys)
Herzliche Einladung an Alle, an der verbindenden Praxis des Erdforums -geleitet von Karsten Winnemuth (Essbare Stadt e.V./ Social Sculpture Lab e.V.)- kostenlos teilzunehmen.
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups. How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question
All participants to an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Time: 11.00 -13.30
All welcome. Free participation.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info and to sign up: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Limited numbers.
You can also sign up on arrival in the Neue Galerie but then you are not assured of a place, due to Covid limitation on numbers.
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups.
How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question.
All participants to bring an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Time: 10.30 – 12.30 or 14.00 -16.00
All welcome. Free participation.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info and to sign up: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Limited numbers.
You can also sign up on arrival in the Neue Galerie but then you are not assured of a place, due to Covid limitation on numbers.
Unfortunately, this event has had to be cancelled. It will be rescheduled, if possible in early 2022.
A 4-day open platform for the presentation of projects and research including alumni of the Social Sculpture Masters and PhD programs.
To minimize travel and because of COVID, individuals, collectives and movements can respond to this invitation online.
These Live in Kassel and Online events will be recorded, and kept as archival documents.
WHEN 19 – 22 August, 2021
WHERE Online
These 4-days will hopefully enable people and initiatives from around the planet – many not known to each other – to share their connections to the field and explore questions with others trying to work with the social sculpture ideas in different contexts.
Please let us know if you are interested in presenting your existing Research and/or Project.
Email Shelley Sacks with RESEARCH and PROJECTS in the subject line.
Deadline for expressions of research and proposals: Sunday 8 August so that we can organise a program for the 4 days. Hopefully some of you will be able to come to Kassel to share this live, but many might be online.
Slots for presentations, depend on the project and can vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
There will be about 10 minutes for discussion between each presentation. You can request more discussion time to be built in, if it is a big project.
Platform contributors will need to find sponsorship for their individual participation, if they are planning to come to Kassel.
A 4-day open platform for the presentation of projects and research including alumni of the Social Sculpture Masters and PhD programs.
To minimize travel and because of COVID, individuals, collectives and movements can respond to this invitation online.
These Live in Kassel and Online events will be recorded, and kept as archival documents.
WHEN 19 – 22 August, 2021
WHERE Online
These 4-days will hopefully enable people and initiatives from around the planet – many not known to each other – to share their connections to the field and explore questions with others trying to work with the social sculpture ideas in different contexts.
Please let us know if you are interested in presenting your existing Research and/or Project.
Email Shelley Sacks with RESEARCH and PROJECTS in the subject line.
Deadline for expressions of research and proposals: Sunday 8 August so that we can organise a program for the 4 days. Hopefully some of you will be able to come to Kassel to share this live, but many might be online.
Slots for presentations, depend on the project and can vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
There will be about 10 minutes for discussion between each presentation. You can request more discussion time to be built in, if it is a big project.
Platform contributors will need to find sponsorship for their individual participation, if they are planning to come to Kassel.
A 4-day open platform for the presentation of projects and research including alumni of the Social Sculpture Masters and PhD programs.
To minimize travel and because of COVID, individuals, collectives and movements can respond to this invitation online.
These Live in Kassel and Online events will be recorded, and kept as archival documents.
WHEN 19 -22 August, 2021
WHERE Online and in the Survival Room, in Kassel
These 4-days will hopefully enable people and initiatives from around the planet – many not known to each other – to share their connections to the field and explore questions with others trying to work with the social sculpture ideas in different contexts.
Please let us know if you are interested in presenting your existing Research and/or Project.
Email Shelley Sacks with RESEARCH and PROJECTS in the subject line.
Deadline for expressions of interest and proposals: Sunday 8 August so that we can organise a program for the 4 days. Hopefully some of you will be able to come to Kassel to share this live, but many might be online.
Slots for presentations, depend on the project and can vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
There will be about 10 minutes for discussion between each presentation. You can request more discussion time to be built in, if it is a big project.
Platform contributors will need to find sponsorship for their individual participation, if they are planning to come to Kassel.
A 4-day open platform for the presentation of projects and research including alumni of the Social Sculpture Masters and PhD programs.
To minimize travel and because of COVID, individuals, collectives and movements can respond to this invitation online.
These Live in Kassel and Online events will be recorded, and kept as archival documents.
WHEN 19 -22 August, 2021
WHERE Online and in the Survival Room, in Kassel
These 4-days will hopefully enable people and initiatives from around the planet – many not known to each other – to share their connections to the field and explore questions with others trying to work with the social sculpture ideas in different contexts.
Please let us know if you are interested in presenting your existing Research and/or Project.
Email Shelley Sacks with RESEARCH and PROJECTS in the subject line.
Deadline for expressions on interest/proposals: Sunday 8 August so that we can organise a program for the 4 days. Hopefully some of you will be able to come to Kassel to share this live, but many might be online.
Slots for presentations, depend on the project and can vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
There will be about 10 minutes for discussion between each presentation. You can request more discussion time to be built in, if it is a big project.
Platform contributors will need to find sponsorship for their individual participation, if they are planning to come to Kassel.
Working with questions and listening to the future
CONNECTIVE PRACTICE workshop in Kassel
Landing Strip for Souls is an inspiring and enlivening process for uncovering, exploring and working with questions individually and together and for ‘coming to our senses’. It has been used with individuals, groups and organisations to uncover, redefine and shape anew their ‘agendas for transformation’.
It enables one to land with new imaginative perception and power in oneself and with others, in a world of many intersecting challenges.
The capacities of active listening, seeing and hearing that we develop in this connective practice, help us work together to listen to the call of the future in ourselves, in a group and in the world.
Developing Initiatives and Plans in New Ways
Its special processes of active listening and imaginal work enable plans to be developed and initiatives to emerge in an organic, holistic way that are in tune with the context. We call this creative emergence and unfolding of an initiative or plan, ‘living planning’.
The process is not only useful for reconsidering how we currently see and think, but for developing new ways of perceiving and relating to what the world asks of us, and for thinking-together about our shared future in one locality, on one planet.
One-day ‘workshops’ in August 2021
During the Kassel-21 Social Sculpture Lab you can participate in this one-day process, for a new ‘landing’ in yourself and current context. Participating in Landing Strip for Souls will also give you insight into what this process of working with questions has to do with the field of social sculpture and how it connects inner and outer action.
Participation is free. The Kassel-21 Social Sculpture Lab is able to offer these practices free, due to funding from several foundations. See Sponsors and Partners.
LIVE IN KASSEL Tuesday 24 August, 2021 10.00 -17.00 [Live in Kassel]
Sign up details EVENTBRITE Maximum 15 places.
If you book a place please remember, although, free, it is a commitment. Unless you cancel soon, it takes the opportunity away for someone else.
Working with questions and listening to the future
CONNECTIVE PRACTICE workshop – online
Landing Strip for Souls is an inspiring and enlivening process for uncovering, exploring and working with questions individually and together and for ‘coming to our senses’. It has been used with individuals, groups and organisations to uncover, redefine and shape anew their ‘agendas for transformation’.
It enables one to land with new imaginative perception and power in oneself and with others, in a world of many intersecting challenges.
The capacities of active listening, seeing and hearing that we develop in this connective practice, help us work together to listen to the call of the future in ourselves, in a group and in the world.
Developing Initiatives and Plans in New Ways
Its special processes of active listening and imaginal work enable plans to be developed and initiatives to emerge in an organic, holistic way that are in tune with the context. We call this creative emergence and unfolding of an initiative or plan, ‘living planning’.
The process is not only useful for reconsidering how we currently see and think, but for developing new ways of perceiving and relating to what the world asks of us, and for thinking-together about our shared future in one locality, on one planet.
One-day ‘workshops’ in August 2021
During the Kassel-21 Social Sculpture Lab you can participate in this one-day process, for a new ‘landing’ in yourself and current context. Participating in Landing Strip for Souls will also give you insight into what this process of working with questions has to do with the field of social sculpture and how it connects inner and outer action.
Participation is free. The Kassel-21 Social Sculpture Lab is able to offer these practices free, due to funding from several foundations. See Sponsors and Partners.
ONLINE Wednesday 25 August, 2021 10.00 -17.00 [online]
Sign up details on Eventbrite. Maximum 15 places.
If you book a place please remember, although, free, it is a commitment. Unless you cancel soon, it takes the opportunity away for someone else.
PARTICIPANTS come together – ONLINE – to create this ‘GIFT for JOSEPH BEUYS’ by sharing how they understand what Joseph Beuys has left us, and what they think is needed in humanity’s ‘3 Pots for the Future”.
This is one of several online events in which small groups of invited and self-selecting participants share what they understand Joseph Beuys has left us for the future.
All welcome. Free participation.
Booking and Registration requirements
27 August
No Covid test currently required.
In the space: 1.5m distancing required plus masks.
PARTICIPANTS come together – ONLINE – to create this ‘GIFT for JOSEPH BEUYS’ by sharing how they understand what Joseph Beuys has left us, and what they think is needed in humanity’s ‘3 Pots for the Future”.
This is one of several online events in which small groups of invited and self-selecting participants share what they understand Joseph Beuys has left us for the future.
All welcome. Free participation.
Booking and Registration requirements
27 August
No Covid test currently required.
In the space: 1.5m distancing required plus masks.
PARTICIPANTS come together – ONLINE – to create this ‘GIFT for JOSEPH BEUYS’ by sharing how they understand what Joseph Beuys has left us, and what they think is needed in humanity’s ‘3 Pots for the Future”.
This is one of several online events in which small groups of invited and self-selecting participants share what they understand Joseph Beuys has left us for the future.
All welcome. Free participation.
Booking and Registration requirements
27 August
No Covid test currently required.
In the space: 1.5m distancing required plus masks.
PARTICIPANTS come together – physically present in the Survival Room in Kassel – to create this ‘GIFT for JOSEPH BEUYS’ by sharing how they understand what Joseph Beuys has left us, and what they think is needed in humanity’s ‘3 Pots for the Future”.
This is one of several days on which small groups of invited and self-selecting participants come together – live in Kassel – to share what they understand Joseph Beuys has left us for the future.
Contributors include Gunter Lierschof, Carl-Peter Buschkuhle and Philipp John [Museum Fluxus+].
All welcome. Free participation.
SIGN UP FOR ONE OF THESE SESSIONS. Limited participant numbers.
Additional visitors can now join us.
Contact Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400 to find out if there is a place.
Covid test currently required.
In the space: 1.5m distancing.
PARTICIPANTS come together – physically present in the Survival Room in Kassel – to create this ‘GIFT for JOSEPH BEUYS’ by sharing how they understand what Joseph Beuys has left us, and what they think is needed in humanity’s ‘3 Pots for the Future”.
This is one of several days on which small groups of invited and self-selecting participants come together – live in Kassel – to share what they understand Joseph Beuys has left us for the future.
All welcome. Free participation.
SIGN UP FOR ONE OF THESE SESSIONS. Limited participant numbers.
29 Aug
10.00 -13.00
14.00 -17.00
Additional visitors can now join us.
Contact Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400 to find out if there is a place.
Covid test currently required.
In the space: 1.5m distancing
Walking tour in Feld der Begegnung: Exploring the field, revisiting and sharing our commitments; meeting others.
Who: This is relevant for all people who have already created an Ort der Begegnung. It is a way to meet others involved in the field; to revisit one’s commitments and to get a sense of the growing field of commitments.
It is also relevant for friends and family of those who already have a Ort der Begegnung, as well as for those who are curious to experience and find out about Feld der Begegnung: What is it? How to participate in it? Why is Feld der Begegnung a Willensfeld?
This tour is useful for people who live in the 23 areas of Kassel, who are considering creating their own Ort der Begegnung, as well as for visitors to Kassel who would like to facilitate a Feld der Begegnung in their village, town or city.
Language: German
Contact Martina Schäfer to register and receive meeting details for this session.
Participation is free.
Partizipatives Seminar-Gespräch
In diesen Tagen der großen Verwirrung hat eine große Verwirrung mit der Erziehung des Kindes zu tun.
Welche Rolle spielt die Erziehung?
In welchem Verhältnis steht sie zur Zukunft des Lebens auf unserem Planeten?
Das Kind und die Zukunft der Welt ist ein partizipatives Seminar-Gespräch unter der Leitung von Dr. Peter Guttenhöfer, das einen radikalen neuen Ansatz für die Bildung erforscht, der die Gestaltung einer humanen und ökologisch tragfähigen Zukunft unterstützen kann.
Im Survival Room des Kassel-21 / Social Sculpture Lab
1. September 14.00 -17.00 Uhr
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, aber große und kleine Beiträge sind immer willkommen.
COVID Bitte behalten Sie die aktuelle Inzidenz vor Ort im Blick!Liebe Besucher, gemäß dem, ab dem19. August 2021 gültigen Präventions- und Eskalationskonzept der Hessischen Landesregierung müssen wir ab einer Inzidenz von 35 oder höher beim Einlass in Kultureinrichtungen die 3G-Regel anwenden. Diese besagt, dass nur Geimpfte, Genesene oder aktuell Getestete Zutritt erhalten.
Sprache: Deutsch
Participatory Seminar-Conversation
In these days of great confusion, one huge confusion has to do with education of the child.
What is the role of education?
What is its relationship to the future of life on the planet?
[Read more in Seminar-Conversations]
The Child and the Future of the World is a participatory seminar-conversation, led by Dr. Peter Guttenhöfer, exploring a radical new approach to education that can support the shaping a humane and ecologically viable future.
In the Survival Room of the Kassel-21 / Social Sculpture Lab
1 September 14.00 -17.00
Participation is free, but contributions big and small, always welcome.
COVID update 28 August: Vaccination, proof of immunity or recent official test required.
Language: German
Am 1. September, nur nachmittags.
On 1 Sept. Afternoon only.
ist ein eintägiges ‘Seminar-Gespräch’ in Kassel, im Survival Room, geleitet von Stefan Nadolny und Shelley Sacks.
Dies ist ein Aufruf an alle, die an diesem Thema interessiert sind, sich uns für einen “Forschungstag” anzuschließen.
Die Frage, die diese Erkundung motiviert
Die beispiellosen Herausforderungen der heutigen Zeit eröffnen enorme neue Perspektiven für Veränderungen und machen gleichzeitig deutlich, wie schwierig es ist, Entscheidungen zu treffen, wenn es viele konkurrierende Weltanschauungen gibt. Religiös. Weltliche. Wissenschaftliche Weltanschauungen. Jede Weltanschauung und jedes Wertesystem, ob bewusst oder unbewusst, beeinflusst die Entscheidungen, die wir treffen. Sie bestimmen die Entscheidungen, die wir treffen, oft ohne uns dessen bewusst zu sein.
Gibt es eine Form der Universalität jenseits der Totalisierung und der Vielfalt jenseits des Relativismus?
Eine Möglichkeit, mit unterschiedlichen Weltanschauungen in liberalen, säkularen Demokratien umzugehen, besteht darin, zu versuchen, sie alle zu tolerieren, auch wenn die Unterschiede unter der Oberfläche nicht leicht zu akzeptieren sind.
Aus einer liberal-demokratischen Perspektive hat jeder das Recht auf einen anderen Standpunkt, und jeder Standpunkt ist im Prinzip gleich gültig. Alle Ansichten sind nur persönliche oder Gruppenperspektiven. Es gibt keine Wahrheiten. Alles ist relativ.
Der Gegenpol ist die totalitäre Position. Unterschiede werden nicht geduldet. Ein Glaubenssystem, eine politische Ideologie, ein wissenschaftlicher Ansatz oder ein intellektueller Diskurs wird als der wahre, richtige und einzige angesehen. Beide Ansätze haben enorme und oft negative Konsequenzen.
Dieses Seminargespräch bezieht sich auf Beuys’ Zeichnung “Die Wahrheit ist eine Wunderkerze”, in der verschiedene Weltanschauungen und Perspektiven von einem Zentrum ausstrahlen.
Es geht der Frage nach, ob Beuys’ Betonung der “phänomenologischen Wahrnehmung” und eines “permanenten Konferenz”-Prozesses zur Erforschung von Fragen dazu beitragen kann, sowohl die Relativierung als auch die Totalisierung unterschiedlicher Perspektiven und Weltanschauungen zu überwinden.
Es stellt die Frage, ob lokale, regionale und globale Versammlungen, die mit phänomenologischen Erkundungen einer Frage beginnen, anstatt auf der Grundlage von Positionen zu argumentieren, gemeinsame Kriterien für die Entscheidungsfindung besser ermöglichen könnten?
Die Öffentlichkeit ist eingeladen, gemeinsam mit Stefan Nadolny und Shelley Sacks zu erkunden, wie man sich diesem Thema nähern kann.
Wo: Im Survival Room des Kassel-21 / Social Sculpture Lab.
Datum: 3. September, 2021.
Zeit: 10.30 – 17.00 Uhr am Freitag, 3. September
Wie Sie teilnehmen können
Schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an, um uns mitzuteilen, dass Sie an dieser Erkundung teilnehmen möchten. Bitte geben Sie WORLDVIEWS in der Betreffzeile an.
Bitte behalten Sie die aktuelle Inzidenz vor Ort im Blick!
Liebe Besucher, gemäß dem, ab dem19. August 2021 gültigen Präventions- und Eskalationskonzept der Hessischen Landesregierung müssen wir ab einer Inzidenz von 35 oder höher beim Einlass in Kultureinrichtungen die 3G-Regel anwenden. Diese besagt, dass nur Geimpfte, Genesene oder aktuell Getestete Zutritt erhalten.
Sprache: Live in Kassel [auf Deutsch].
Online-Sitzungen: Wir beabsichtigen, im Jahr 2022 weitere Veranstaltungen mit diesem Schwerpunkt zu organisieren, online und eine Veranstaltung in Kassel.
is 1 day ‘Seminar-Conversation’ in Kassel, in the Survival Room, facilitated by Stefan Nadolny and Shelley Sacks.
This is a call to everyone who might be interested in this theme to join us for a ‘research’ day.
The question motivating this exploration
The unprecedented challenges of today open up huge new perspectives for change, whilst making visible how difficult it is to make decisions when there are many competing worldviews. Religious. Secular. Scientific worldviews. Each worldview and value system, conscious or not, affects the choices we make. Determines the decisions we make, often without realizing it.
Is there a form of universality beyond totalizing, and of diversity beyond relativism?
One way that people cope with different worldviews in liberal, secular democracies is to try and tolerate them all, even if beneath the surface difference is not easily accepted.
From a liberal-democratic perspective everyone has the right to a different point of view and every point of view is, in principle, equally valid. All views are just personal or group perspectives. There are no truths. Everything is relative.
The opposite pole is the totalitarian position. Difference is not tolerated. A faith system, political ideology, the scientific approach or intellectual discourse is seen as being the true, correct and only one. Both these approaches have huge and often negative consequences.
This seminar-conversation refers to Beuys’ drawing “The Truth is a Sparkler” in which different worldviews and perspectives radiate from one center.
It explores if Beuys’ emphasis on ‘phenomenological perception’ and a ‘permanent conference’ process for exploring questions, can help to overcome both the relativizing and totalizing of different perspectives and worldviews.
It asks whether local, regional and global assemblies that begin with phenomenological explorations of a question, instead of arguing based on positions, could better enable shared criteria for making decisions?
Members of the public are invited to join Stefan Nadolny and Shelley Sacks to explore ways of approaching this theme.
Where: In the Survival Room of the Kassel-21 / Social Sculpture Lab.
Date: 3 September, 2021.
Time: 10.30 – 17.00 on Friday 3 September
How to participate
Email to let us know you are interested in joining this exploration. Please put WORLDVIEWS in the subject line.
Language: Live in Kassel [in German].
Online sessions: We intend to organise future events with this focus in 2022, online, and one event in Kassel.
Bicycle Tour – Feld der Begegnung –for Museumswoche
What is Feld der Begegnung? How to participate in it? In what sense is Feld der Begegnung, a ‘Willensfeld’?
If you are curious to find out more and meet some of the people who have already created an Ort der Begegnung in Kassel, join this bicycle tour.
We will “explore” the Field of Commitment and visit some of the trees that makes up the field (recognisable by the yellow “Field of Commitment” band).
Who This tour is useful for:
a. People who live in the 23 areas of Kassel, who are considering creating their own Ort der Begegnung.
b. Visitors to Kassel who would like to facilitate a Feld der Begegnung in their village, town or city.
c. Newcomers and people who are already actively involved.
The exchange of ideas and the experience of the emergent field in the city will give you a sense “field of the will”. The tour is also a good way to get to know each other and to decide whether you want to contribute a commitment to this field of the will yourself.
Place/Link: The meeting point will be communicated after you register.
Language: German
For details and to book a place contact Martina Schäfer
Participation is free.
See the Feld der Begegnung leaflet here *
PARTICIPANTS come together – physically present in the Survival Room in Kassel – to create this ‘GIFT for JOSEPH BEUYS’ by sharing how they understand what Joseph Beuys has left us, and what they think is needed in humanity’s ‘3 Pots for the Future”.
This is one of several days on which small groups of invited and self-selecting participants come together – live in Kassel – to share what they understand Joseph Beuys has left us for the future.
All welcome. Free participation.
24-Hour Official Covid test currently required, or double vaccination, or immunity.
In the space: 1.5m distancing.
FRAMETALKS is one of the Connective Practices in the Social Sculpture Lab, that focuses on what Beuys meant by the “invisible materials” of social sculpture. And on the importance of ‘imaginal thought’.
In the FRAMETLAKS process, we work as individuals and then together in a group to explore the 5 Realities – Nature, Human Being, Love, Freedom, Future.
These reflections as individuals create the basis for sharing insights and then thinking together about the future we want!
Come and collect the small free FRAMETALKS workbook that is an integral part of the process. You can even collect it weeks or days beforehand and begin using it until you come to this session.
Please be on time for the introduction at 14.30.
Join this special event for Museumswoche in the Neue Galerie Foyer on Saturday 4 September, 2021. Time: 14.30 -16.30
No booking required.
Facilitated by Anna Backmund.
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups.
How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question.
All participants to bring an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Time: 12.00 – 17.00
All welcome. Free participation.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Sign up advised.
You can sign up on arrival in the Neue Galerie but then you are not assured of a place, due to Covid limitation on numbers.
This 4-day event cannot take place now. It is being rescheduled for later this year. Date to be announced.
WHAT The Field of Commitment makes visible the existing willingness in a place to commit to an ecosocial present and future and strengthens this “field of will”. In partnership with a tree, people create a local “anchor place” in the world in order to strengthen their own commitment and to become more effective in solidaity with others.
The Field of Commitment has begun in the city of Kassel, with a call for the first 100 people. The first +10 anchor places that already exist are just the beginning….
There are already requests from other cities and countries to enable people to create a Field of Commitment there… which is in keeping with the “bigger picture”. In fact, the Field of Commitment is not limited: trees do not know urban or national boundaries… they are all part of the field of this planet Earth.
During the training we will introduce and practice the concrete steps and phases for establishing a Field of Commitment in your area. In doing so, we will experience and reflect on the different ‘tasks’ required of companions and guardians of the field.
The aim of the training is for the participants to
a.) understand and experience the Field of Commitment
b.) be able to facilitate others to creating a specific anchor place and
c.) initiate the Field of Commitment in their own city (or village / country / community).
This training will also enable participants to get to know the field of Social Sculpture – Connecting Practice a little better.
The training is right for you if you are interested in creating places of encounter. Place for encounter with yourself, the world and with others. Such encountering is an aid to awareness, clear thinking and reflection on how we can individually and collectively contribute towards the shaping of a human and ecological future.
Will has to do with the kind of “inner mobilization” that Beuys emphasized, which is also closely linked to a new kind of connective and imaginal thinking: “It all depends on the warmth character of thinking. That is the new quality of the will.” (Joseph Beuys)
The Field of Commitment enables us not only to care for trees, but to engage in seeking new connective ways of living together on this planet without causing unnecessary suffering.
The training will begin with a bike ride/walk to the trees in the Kassel Field of Commitment. We will inform you where to meet nearer the time and after you have registered.
COST Participation fee: 120-300 € depending on your self-assessment.
For thise with minimal financial means, it is possible to request a scholarship or reduction.
You can also fund a scholarship by contributing more than €300.
FACILITATION Shelley Sacks & Martina Schäfer
WHERE Kassel (exact address will be communicated after registration)
LANGUAGE This training is in German only.
We will offer a Field of Commitment training in English at a later date, which will be published on this website.
CONTACT Martina Schäfer to find out more and book a place.
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups.
How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question.
All participants to bring an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Time: 10.30 – 12.30 or 14.00 -16.00
All welcome. Free participation.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info and to sign up: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Limited numbers.
You can also sign up on arrival in the Neue Galerie but then you are not assured of a place, due to Covid limitation on numbers.
Dies ist eine Gelegenheit, sich auszutauschen, zu diskutieren und den Vorschlag für die EARTH FORUM CREATIVE EXPLORERS Initiative in Kassel zu entwickeln.
Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, ob Sie an einer Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung interessiert sind.
E-Mail: Shelley Sacks – mit EARTH FORUM – Creative Explorers -Kassel, in der Betreffzeile an so schnell wie möglich,
Einsendeschluss für Interessensbekundungen: 10. September 2021
This is an opportunity to share, discuss and develop the proposal for EARTH FORUM CREATIVE EXPLORERS Initiative in Kassel.
Please let us know if you are interested in participating in this event.
Email: Shelley Sacks -with EARTH FORUM – Creative Explorers -Kassel, in the subject line at as soon as possible,
Deadline for expressions interest: 10 September 2021
One day has been set aside to hear from all participants and coordinators in FRAMETALKS, Feld der Begegnung, Earth Forum, Landing Strip for Souls and New Eyes for the World – what has been happening in each of the projects.
In the first part of the day everyone present will be invited to say how they have been touched or effected by any of the practices, during the lab or even in the past. What effect has a practice had on your work, life, organisation, ways of thinking and behaving?
After this people will be invited to try and say what in a particular practice might have enabled this experience, and then, if this experience is valuable, or not.
What insights have you gathered so far:
About the practice?
About informing and inviting people?
About the changes we might need to make because of Covid?
Finally, we will look at what you still planning and hoping to do?
Reflection in the research-process
We are continually making changes in the practices and how we try and inform people about them. This is why we see them as part of a research process, and not just as ‘finished products’ to deliver or sell!
If you would like to contribute to this public exchange and reflection – you are welcome, especially if you have already participated in any one of these connective practices.
It would be very helpful to hear your responses to these questions, and any other insights you can share.
If COVID numbers are still low, no need to book. Just come to the Survival Room, in the Neue Galerie.
Or – contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info and to sign up: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
COVID UPDATE 1 Sept 2021
You need either a recent official test [within last 24 hours], confirmation of double vaccination, or proof of immunity.
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups.
How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question.
All participants to bring an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Time: 10.30 – 12.30 or 14.00 -16.00
All welcome. Free participation.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info and to sign up: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Limited numbers.
You can also sign up on arrival in the Neue Galerie but then you are not assured of a place, due to Covid limitation on numbers.
Reflections on Survival. Process for groups.
How do I understand Survival? What do we really need to survive? And at what cost, to whom?
Intro to Lab and Participatory Process led by artist-curator, Shelley Sacks.
BRING AN OBJECT that raises a question.
All participants to bring an object from home, or from the 1 Euro shop, that raises the question: Do we really need this to Survive?
Where: In the Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
Time: 10.30 – 12.30 or 14.00 -16.00
All welcome. Free participation.
Contact the Neue Galerie, Kassel for info and to sign up: +49 (0)561 316 80-400
Limited numbers.
You can also sign up on arrival in the Neue Galerie but then you are not assured of a place, due to Covid limitation on numbers.
Shelley Sacks answers questions about her work and time with Joseph Beuys.
This event is fully booked.
Shelley Sacks will share her experiences and thoughts as the basis for an exchange about the connections between Beuys’s Free International University for Creativity and Interdisciplinary Research [FIU], the Social Sculpture Research Unit in Oxford, the University of the Trees and the new global Social Sculpture Lab for New Knowledge An Eco-Social Future – recently launched in this Beuys Centenary year.
What commitments and insights are carried forward from the FIU in the University of the Trees and the new Social Sculpture Lab? What are the differences?
The exchange will consider the intentions and methodologies of these contemporary initiatives, making reference to Beuys’ vision for a Free School [with Heinrich Böll and others] and its evolution into the FIU.
Her presentation will share the ‘guiding images’ inspiring and informing the University of the Trees and the new Social Sculpture Lab, and consider what they have to do with our view of the human being as a ‘freedom being’ [Beuys], the aesthetic education of the human being [Schiller], developing new organs of perception [Goethe], the aesthetic as an enlivening force, and ‘responsibility as an ability-to-respond’.
It will outline the structure of the new Social Sculpture Lab for New Knowledge An Eco-Social Future and how the Kassel-21 /Social Sculpture Lab enables access to the field of social sculpture for the people of Kassel and further afield.
If you would like to share something related to some aspect of this exchange please write a brief email to us outlining what this might be. [Please specify FIU-UOT-SSL in the subject line]
When Sunday 19 September 2021. 12.00 -17.00
Where Survival Room, Neue Galerie.
How to participate All welcome. No booking required.
[Deutsch unten]
In Addition to Tree Planting: What is to be done?
This is an opportunity to share, discuss and develop PROPOSALS for future initiatives in the field of social sculpture, connective practice and closely related actions.
These future initiatives might also benefit from using the newly registered global Social Sculpture Lab e.V.
If your proposal is a development of an existing initiative, then it would be helpful if you have already shared this research, project or other initiative in the Projects and Research Week 19 -22 August.
Please let us know if you are interested in sharing a proposal for a future initiative, and/or exploring possibilities for developing a proposal with us or others in the field.
Email: Shelley Sacks -with ‘PROPOSALS’ in the subject line at as soon as possible,
Sign up with Eventbrite or email [PROPOSALS]
Zusätzlich zur Baumpflanzung: Was ist zu tun?
Dies ist eine Gelegenheit zum Austausch, zur Diskussion und zur Entwicklung von VORSCHLÄGEN für künftige Initiativen im Bereich der sozialen Skulptur, der konnektiven Praxis und eng damit verbundener Aktionen.
Diese zukünftigen Initiativen könnten auch von der Nutzung des neu registrierten globalen Social Sculpture Lab e.V. profitieren.
Wenn es sich bei Ihrem Vorschlag um die Weiterentwicklung einer bestehenden Initiative handelt, wäre es hilfreich, wenn Sie diese Forschung, dieses Projekt oder eine andere Initiative bereits in der Projekt- und Forschungswoche vom 19. bis 22. August vorgestellt hätten.
Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, ob Sie daran interessiert sind, einen Vorschlag für eine künftige Initiative einzureichen und/oder Möglichkeiten für die Entwicklung eines Vorschlags mit uns oder anderen auf diesem Gebiet zu erkunden.
E-Mail: Shelley Sacks – mit ‘PROPOSALS’ in der Betreffzeile an so schnell wie möglich,
Melden Sie sich über Eventbrite an oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an [PROPOSALS]
[Deutsch unten] On Wednesday 22 September, we will reflect of the effectiveness of the social sculpture-connective practice related work, and explore PROPOSALS for collaborations and ongoing work.
Everyone who has participated in some aspect of the Kassel21-Social Sculpture Lab is invited to join us to share their experiences and ideas for ways forward.
What works, what doesn’t work, and why?
And what proposals do you have for ways forward?
WHERE Neue Galerie, Survival Room
WHEN Wednesday 22 September, 2021. 12.00 -17.00
You can also join us on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 September to contribute to the ‘reflections on effectiveness’.
[Deutsch unten]
On Friday 24 September, we will continue to reflect of the effectiveness of the social sculpture-connective practice related work, and explore PROPOSALS for collaborations and ongoing work.
Everyone who has participated in some aspect of the Kassel21-Social Sculpture Lab is invited to join us to share their experiences and ideas for ways forward.
What works, what doesn’t work, and why?
And what proposals do you have for ways forward?
WHERE Neue Galerie, Survival Room
WHEN Friday 24 September, 2021 12.00 -17.00
COVID: The 3G rule is now current. This states that only vaccinated, recovered or currently tested persons are allowed access.
You can also join us on Wednesday 22, Thursday 23 to contribute to the ‘reflections on effectiveness’.
Am Mittwoch, den 22. September, werden wir weiter über die Effektivität der Arbeit im Zusammenhang mit der Sozialen Plastik und der verbindenden Praxis nachdenken und VORSCHLÄGE für Kooperationen und weiterführende Arbeiten erkunden.
Alle, die in irgendeiner Form am Kassel21-Social Sculpture Lab teilgenommen haben, sind eingeladen, ihre Erfahrungen und Ideen für die Zukunft mit uns zu teilen.
Was funktioniert, was funktioniert nicht, und warum?
Und welche Vorschläge haben Sie, wie es weitergehen könnte?
WO Neue Galerie, Survival Room
WANN Freitag, 24. September 2021 12.00 -17.00
COVID: Die 3G-Regel ist jetzt aktuell. Diese besagt, dass nur Geimpfte, Genesene oder aktuell Getestete Zutritt erhalten.
Sie können auch am Mittwoch, den 22. und Donnerstag, den 23. September teilnehmen, um zu den “Überlegungen zur Wirksamkeit” beizutragen.
[Deutsch unten]
On Thursday 23 September, we will continue to reflect of the effectiveness of the social sculpture-connective practice related work, and explore PROPOSALS for collaborations and ongoing work.
Everyone who has participated in some aspect of the Kassel21-Social Sculpture Lab is invited to join us to share their experiences and ideas for ways forward.
What works, what doesn’t work, and why?
And what proposals do you have for ways forward?
WHERE Neue Galerie, Survival Room
WHEN Thursday 23 September, 2021 12.00 -17.00
COVID: The 3G rule is now current. This states that only vaccinated, recovered or currently tested persons are allowed access.
You can also join us on Wednesday 22 and Friday 24 to contribute to the ‘reflections on effectiveness’.
Am Mittwoch, den 22. September, werden wir weiter über die Effektivität der Arbeit im Zusammenhang mit der Sozialen Plastik und der verbindenden Praxis nachdenken und VORSCHLÄGE für Kooperationen und weiterführende Arbeiten erkunden.
Alle, die in irgendeiner Form am Kassel21-Social Sculpture Lab teilgenommen haben, sind eingeladen, ihre Erfahrungen und Ideen für die Zukunft mit uns zu teilen.
Was funktioniert, was funktioniert nicht, und warum?
Und welche Vorschläge haben Sie, wie es weitergehen könnte?
WO Neue Galerie, Survival Room
WANN Donnerstag, 23. September 2021 12.00 -17.00
COVID: Die 3G-Regel ist jetzt aktuell. Diese besagt, dass nur Geimpfte, Genesene oder aktuell Getestete Zutritt erhalten.
Sie können auch am Mittwoch, den 22. und Donnerstag, den 23. September teilnehmen, um zu den “Überlegungen zur Wirksamkeit” beizutragen.
[Deutsch unten] Changes due to Climate Strike
On Friday 24 September, we will continue to reflect of the effectiveness of the social sculpture-connective practice related work, and explore PROPOSALS for collaborations and ongoing work.
Everyone who has participated in some aspect of the Kassel21-Social Sculpture Lab is invited to join us to share their experiences and ideas for ways forward.
What works, what doesn’t work, and why?
And what proposals do you have for ways forward?
WHERE Neue Galerie, Survival Room
WHEN Friday 24 September, 2021. 14.30 -17.00 [See changes due to Climate Strike]
COVID: The 3G rule is now current. This states that only vaccinated, recovered or currently tested persons are allowed access.
You can also join us on Wednesday 22, Thursday 23 to contribute to the ‘reflections on effectiveness’.
Veränderungen durch den Klimastreik!
Am Freitag, den 24. September, werden wir weiter über die Effektivität der Arbeit im Zusammenhang mit der Sozialen Plastik und der verbindenden Praxis nachdenken und VORSCHLÄGE für Kooperationen und weiterführende Arbeiten erkunden.
Alle, die in irgendeiner Form am Kassel21-Social Sculpture Lab teilgenommen haben, sind eingeladen, ihre Erfahrungen und Ideen für die Zukunft mit uns zu teilen.
Was funktioniert, was funktioniert nicht, und warum?
Und welche Vorschläge haben Sie, wie es weitergehen könnte?
WO Neue Galerie, Survival Room
WANN Freitag, 24. September 2021. 14.30 -17.00 Uhr.
COVID: Die 3G-Regel ist jetzt aktuell. Diese besagt, dass nur Geimpfte, Genesene oder aktuell Getestete Zutritt erhalten.
Sie können auch am Mittwoch, den 22. und Donnerstag, den 23. September teilnehmen, um zu den “Überlegungen zur Wirksamkeit” beizutragen.
PARTICIPANTS come together – physically present in the Survival Room in Kassel – to create this ‘GIFT for JOSEPH BEUYS’ by sharing how they understand what Joseph Beuys has left us, and what they think is needed in humanity’s ‘3 Pots for the Future”.
This is one of several days on which small groups of invited and self-selecting participants come together – live in Kassel – to share what they understand Joseph Beuys has left us for the future.
All welcome. Free participation.
SIGN UP FOR ONE OF THESE SESSIONS. Limited participant numbers.
25 Sept
Additional visitors can now join us.
Contact Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400 to find out if there is a place.
24 hour official Covid test currently required, or proof of vaccination, or immunity.
In the space: 1.5m distancing.
PARTICIPANTS come together – physically present in the Survival Room in Kassel – to create this ‘GIFT for JOSEPH BEUYS’ by sharing how they understand what Joseph Beuys has left us, and what they think is needed in humanity’s ‘3 Pots for the Future”.
This is one of several days on which small groups of invited and self-selecting participants come together – live in Kassel – to share what they understand Joseph Beuys has left us for the future.
All welcome. Free participation.
SIGN UP FOR ONE OF THESE SESSIONS. Limited participant numbers.
26 Sept
10.00 -15.00
Additional visitors can now join us.
Contact Neue Galerie Phone: +49 (0)561 316 80-400 to find out if there is a place.
24-Hour Official Covid test currently required, or double vaccination, or immunity.
In the space: 1.5m distancing.
Von Kassel21 Social Sculpture Lab-Documenta Archiv, nach museum FLUXuS+ Potsdam
[Deutsch unten, und mehr info auf Deutsch]
The FRAMETALKS Connective Practice that was part of the Kassel21 Social Sculpture Lab has moved to museum FLUXUS+ in Potsdam.
You are warmly invited to the opening of FRAMETALKS in Potsdam at 18.00 on Friday 8 October, in the museum FLUXUS+
From Sat 9 October to Sunday 24 October, you can participate in the FRAMETALKS process as an individual or group.
The process begins every weekday at 10.00 in the museum-Fluxus+.
Around midday, we will go out onto the streets. We will return to the museum between 15.30 and 16.00 each day.
On Saturdays and Sundays the process begin at 13.00, except for Sunday 24 October. This process begins at 10.00.
Contact Philipp John, the curator, for more detailed information.
Die FRAMETALKS Verbindender Praxis, die Teil des Kassel21 Social Sculpture Labs war, ist in das Museum FLUXUS+ in Potsdam umgezogen.
Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zur Eröffnung von FRAMETALKS in Potsdam am Freitag, den 8. Oktober um 18.00 Uhr im Museum FLUXUS+
Der Prozess beginnt jeden Wochentag um 10.00 Uhr im Museum-Fluxus+. Um die Mittagszeit gehen wir auf die Straße. Wir kehren jeden Tag gegen 14.00 Uhr ins Museum zurück.
An den Wochenenden beginnt der Prozess um 13.00 Uhr, mit Ausnahme von Sonntag, dem 24. Oktober, wo der Prozess um 10.00 Uhr beginnt.
Von Samstag, den 9. Oktober bis Sonntag, den 24. Oktober können Sie als Einzelperson oder als Gruppe am FRAMETALKS-Prozess teilnehmen.
Der Prozess beginnt täglich um 10.00 Uhr im Museum-Fluxus+
Am 13.00 Uhr gehen wir auf die Straße. Wir kehren jeden Tag zwischen 15.30 und 16.00 Uhr ins Museum zurück.
Kontaktieren Sie Philipp John, den Kurator, für weitere Informationen.
Museum FLUXUS+
Schiffbauergasse 4F, 14467 Potsdam
0331 60 10 89 24
Von Kassel21 Social Sculpture Lab-Documenta Archiv, nach museum FLUXuS+ Potsdam
[Deutsch unten, und mehr info auf Deutsch]
The FRAMETALKS Connective Practice that was part of the Kassel21 Social Sculpture Lab has moved to museum FLUXUS+ in Potsdam.
You are warmly invited to the opening of FRAMETALKS in Potsdam at 18.00 on Friday 8 October, in the museum FLUXUS+
From Sat 9 October to Sunday 24 October, you can participate in the FRAMETALKS process as an individual or group.
The process begins every weekday at 10.00 in the museum-Fluxus+.
Around midday, we will go out onto the streets. We will return to the museum between 15.30 and 16.00 each day.
On Saturdays and Sundays the process begin at 13.00
Contact Philipp John, the curator, for more detailed information.
Die FRAMETALKS Verbindender Praxis, die Teil des Kassel21 Social Sculpture Labs war, ist in das Museum FLUXUS+ in Potsdam umgezogen.
Von Samstag, den 9. Oktober bis Sonntag, den 24. Oktober können Sie als Einzelperson oder als Gruppe am FRAMETALKS-Prozess teilnehmen.
Der Prozess beginnt jeden Wochentag um 10.00 Uhr im Museum-Fluxus+. Um die Mittagszeit gehen wir auf die Straße. Wir kehren jeden Tag gegen 14.00 Uhr ins Museum zurück.
An den Wochenenden beginnt der Prozess um 13.00 Uhr, mit Ausnahme von Sonntag, dem 24. Oktober, wo der Prozess um 10.00 Uhr beginnt.
Kontaktieren Sie Philipp John, den Kurator, für weitere Informationen.
Museum FLUXUS+
Schiffbauergasse 4F, 14467 Potsdam
0331 60 10 89 24
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